This morning in my meditation, when I asked my Higher Self how I could be of the Highest Service to all, I was given a great deal of guidance.
One of the messages was, "On your run today, listen to the sounds of Gaia."
I usually wear headphones to listen to specific tones that shift energy while running.
I laughed and replied, "Okay, I'll do that for some of the run".
When I arrived for my run, my headphones didn't work. This made no sense as I was using them yesterday, and they gave no indication of being low on battery; in fact, I believe they were 3/4 full.
I laughed again. "okay, Higher Self, I hear you."
I immediately captured the image you see here and listened to the birds and the frogs. With a massive smile on my face, I started down the trail.
I live at the top of a ravine, and halfway on my run, I come up near (though really not that close) a quarry in the ravine. This is one of the reasons I wear headphones because I don't care to listen to the heavy machinery tearing apart at Mother Gaia.
I know and understand the need for resources, AND there are ways to do it that are in harmony and coherence with Gaia; this quarry does not practice that. It, instead, chooses to simply rape her.
As I continued my run, an Icaro (song from Pachamama) came through my voice. I both sang and listened.
The song began to trigger my body. All of a sudden, for the first time ever, I felt a subconscious fear of the destruction of Mother Gaia.
I had asked this morning for the remaining Mother and Father wounds to be revealed as I continue to rewire directly to Source (this will be presented in the Higher Mind program)
And here it was—a deep subconscious belief stemming from much of humanity's ancestors around the destruction of our own planet.
I dropped to the ground and lay my hands upon her soil. I wept and allowed my tears to fall upon her.
Then I picked myself up and carried on.
The wound continued to be healed by her loving touch as my run carried forward. The Icaro continued to stream from my heart as more of The Child was revealed within me.
Our lives are truly magical if we understand how to see and work with the magic.
Your Higher Mind will ALWAYS guide you, but you must ask and understand how to communicate clearly with your Higher Mind.